Transforming the lives of the students from the very beginning by imparting the knowledge with the real essence of values & morals extracted from Ancient Indian culture transforming the life of a student into a happy & joyful journey. Imparting Sadvidya helps a student to develop…
Integrity – The quality of being prudent by Intention, Attitude, behaviour & action. Develops good source for dwelling the qualities like truthfulness, honesty, positive attitude, and moral practices.
Gratefulness – Having gratitude & being respectful towards – God, Saints, Parents, Elders & Natural Resources – every person & thing that is part of our ecosystem.
*Free from Bad Habit*s – Developing strong mindset & barrier to prohibit bad habits like insulting, smoking, drinking, drugs or addiction, adultery, gambling or any future bad habits.
Empathy – To not just know the pain & emotion of others but also feel, care & act to the best at the same time.
Non-violence – Every living being is part of moral fabric, Nobody can seize their right to live for one’s own benefit. Thus, being kind to the all living beings is the fundamental duty of every human being.