Rural Management

Key Features

Mature personality is the foundation of development (Art of developing excellent personality)
Propagation of Time donation and petty fund donation and without govt aid putting in place Social apparatus for development by people’s participation. Development based on formulae given by Sawami ji Plans and use of modern as well as ancient techniques as per ground realities. Cooperation and collective efforts to be mainstay of development process. Concept and initiative of Holistic and permanent development (coordinated and balanced development of people, nature and society) Propagation of collective free labour donation for community works Main system of work to be use of refined “ Public education through Religious apparatus” Images

Mission & Vision

Movement of developing at least one ideal village in every district.


Formation of real India is possible through an Individual to Family, Family to Village & Village to Country.

Our Concept

India's Soul lives in villages. Formation of real India is possible through an Individual to Family, Family to Village & Village to Country. Our rich village culture of Cooperation & Coexistence has been spoiled by Global Culture penetration, Political & Market Forces. It results in dirty environment, illiteracy, dependence, unhealthiness, lack of unity & migration to cities. Now villages are leaning and cities inflating.
Even in the present days India lives in villages. Building up India is possible from person to house, house to village and village to India. The culture of cooperation in villages has been destroyed by low level politics commercial organizations resulting due to marked led global economy.
The solution is Geeta Gurukul Gram Teerth Yojana.
Cultured Village
Development of education for people through religious apparatus
Collective organization of festivals in a progressive way
Management of temples to be oriented towards public awareness.
Propagation of conventional rituals
Wall writing and discussions on self reliance
Addiction and bad ritual free Village
Exhibition on addiction relief, symposiums, guidance for diversion from addiction to creation.
Treatment to make Addiction-free and
Total ban on sale and consumption of drugs in public places.
To have addiction free schools and Panchayats
To make free from superstitions, Jhad -Phoonk and Talisman
Propagation of ideal group marriages
Ban on the occasion of post death ritual of mass serving of food
Healthy Village
Development of the feeling of respect for Dignity of labour
Organizing Yog-exercizes - Pranayam-meditation centres.
Encouragement of the use of five products of cow i.e milk, curd, curd water, Ghee, Go-mutra etc
Use of sprouted grains, vegetarian food, local seasonal fruits and juices
To arrange for medicines from forest, acupressure, naturopathy
Clean-Pure-Fragrant Village
Arrangement of Proper drainage system-Construction of drains, Soak pit
Ban on use of polythene, plastic and disposable dishes/plates. Suitable disposal in case of their use.
Use of carry bags made out of cloth, Leaf /paper made plates and dishes
Ban on open defecation, Use of dust/waste bins
Use of cow-dung/urine, human excreta for biogas/manure
Compulsory and regular collective participation in free donation of labour
Special attention on Tree plantation, ‘Clean and Green’ Village
Literate Village
Management of Public Education through religious apparatus
Adult Education through night classes, Culture school for children.
Professional schools, Management of single schools, Training for practical knowledge
Latest information on different streams of village development
Free coaching for school students
Test for knowledge of Indian culture.
Self Reliant Village
Development of cow based energy, agriculture and health appara…